
Eurofins 提供您最佳的解決方案
Eurofins Ingenasa
African Swine Fever 非洲豬瘟
非洲豬瘟病毒 (African swine fever virus, ASFV) 是最複雜的動物疾病病毒之㇐,僅會感染不同種類的豬隻,引起急性且致命的疾病。非洲豬瘟爆發
Eurofins 全面性的解決方案
Eurofins 通過其子公司 Ingenasa 開發了全面的解決方案 - ELISA、LFD 和 PCR –診斷家豬和野豬的非洲豬瘟病毒。
●檢測多種 ASFV 基因型
Diagnostic Kits for the Detection of ASFV 非洲豬瘟-快速診斷套組
ELISA Test Kits (1)
Article no. | Description | Quantity |
11.PPA.K.2 |
INgezim PPA DAS |
96 tests |
11.PPA.K.3/2 11.PPA.K.3/5 |
INgezim PPA Compac* |
192 tests 480 tests |
*This method is recognized by the OIE (世界動物衛生組織) Reference Laboratory for ASFV
(1) Evaluation of protection induced by immunisation of domestic pigs with deletion mutant African swine fever virus
BeninΔMGF by different doses and routes. Sánchez-Cordón PJ, Jabbar T, Berrezaie M, Chapman D, Reis A, Sastre P,
Rueda P,GoatleyL, DixonLK. Vaccine.2018
Lateral Flow Devices 快篩片 (2)
Article no. | Description | Quantity |
11.PPA.K.41/30 |
INgezim PPA CROM |
30 tests 100 tests |
11.ASF.K.42/30 11.ASF.K.42/100 |
INgezim ASFV CROM Ag |
30 tests 100 tests |
(2) Development of a novel lateral flow assay for detection of African swine fever in blood. Sastre P, Gallardo C, Monedero
A, Ruiz T,Arias M, Sanz A, Rueda P.BMC VetRes. 2016 Sep 15;12:206. doi:10.1186/s12917-016-0831-4.
Real-time PCR Test Kit
Article no. | Description | Quantity |
11.PPA.K.5TX/Q | INgene q PPA* | 100 tests |
*This test has been validated by the European Reference Laboratory (歐盟參考實驗室)
Specific Monoclonal Antibodies are available for research under request.