由於新成立的機構 ─ 數位和電信轉型機構(ATDT)旨在取代現有的機構 ─ 聯邦電信研究所(IFETEL)。 因部分IFETEL 員工已被解僱,2025 年的型式認證審批會有延遲的狀況。
Due to the newly created Authority- La Agencia de Transformacion Digital y Telecommunicaciones (ATDT) intended to replace the current Authority- Instituto Federal de Telecomunicaciones (IFETEL). Some IFETEL staff has been laid off and approval delays are expected in 2025.
On 7th Feb., 2025, IFETEL has released Technical Provision IFT-016-2024, this new technical standard including regulatory requirements such as technical specifications, limits, and testing methods for low-power radio communication devices operated in 30MHz to 3GHz.
2025 年 2 月 10 日,IFETEL 發布技術規定 IFT-017-2023,該標準包括在以下頻率範圍內運行的 WLAN 設備的技術規格、限制和測試方法等法規要求:
‒ 5150-5250 MHz, ‒ 5250-5350 MHz, ‒ 5470-5600 MHz, ‒ 5650-5725 MHz, ‒ 5725-5850 MHz, ‒ 5925-6425 MHz。
On the 10th Feb., 2025, IFETEL has released Technical Provision IFT-017-2023, this standard including regulatory requirements such as technical specifications, limits, and testing methods for WLAN devices that operate in below frequency ranges:
‒ 5150-5250 MHz, ‒ 5250-5350 MHz, ‒ 5470-5600 MHz, ‒ 5650-5725 MHz, ‒ 5725-5850 MHz, ‒ 5925-6425 MHz.
The Provision will be effective 270 days after its publication in the Official Gazette of the Federation (from Nov. 6th, 2025).
2025年1月22日,ANATEL發布第772號決議,取代第759號決議。 第772號決議於2025年2月3日生效,此新標準定義巴西頻段應用和服務的頻率規劃。
此標準帶來一些頻段分配和使用方面的實施和變化,並於第 680 號決議技術規格表中定義之「具有替代發射限值的限制輻射設備可使用的無線電頻段」進行部份修改。但,修改處僅會影響部分頻段,其中絕大多數是較少使用的頻段,且並無要求改變測試技術。因此,WWAN、WLAN、藍牙、Zigbee、LoRa 和其他技術不會受到影響。
On Jan. 22nd, 2025, ANATEL released Resolution No. 772 to replace Resolution No. 759. Res. 772 came into force on Feb. 3rd, 2025, this new standard is the frequency plan which defines the application and services of frequency bands in Brazil.
It brought implementations and changes in the allocation and use of some frequency bands, in addition to some changes in bands in the RADIO FREQUENCY BANDS USABLE FOR RESTRICTED RADIATION EQUIPMENT WITH ALTERNATIVE EMISSION LIMITS, defined in the technical specifications table of Resolution 680. However, these changes only affect some bands, and the vast majority of which are little-used bands, without changing testing technical requirements. So, WWAN, WLAN, Bluetooth, Zigbee, LoRa, and many others will not be impacted.
Hong Kong
2025年1月,香港通訊事務管理局辦公室(OFCA)發布新版頻率分配表。 香港頻率分配表中的「第 3 區分配」欄已更新,以反映 WRC-23 確定的新頻率分配,該分配將於 2025 年 1 月 1 日起生效。
In January 2025, the Office of Communications Authority (OFCA) of Hong Kong released a new version of table of frequency allocations. The “Region 3 Allocation” column in the Hong Kong Table of Frequency Allocations has been updated to reflect the new frequency allocations determined at WRC-23, which come into effect from 1st January 2025. Annex I provide a summary of the revision to the frequency allocations in Region 3 as decided by WRC-23.
2025年 1月 28 日,EN 18031 -1/-2/-3 : 2024 被公布在官方公告文件 EC 2025/138 作為RED 諧調法規,作為符合RED 章節3.3(d)(e)(f)資安共同要求,並於公布日即刻生效。
CEN and Cenelec 制定諧調法規如下:
- EN 18031-1:2024 物聯網產品基本網路安全規範,支持 RED Article 3(3)(d) 要求
- EN 18031-2:2024 物聯網無線產品中兒童使用的、玩具以及穿戴式設備,支持 RED Article 3(3)(e)要求;以及
- EN 18031-3:2024 物聯網無線產品中處理金流的設備,支持 RED Article 3(3)(f)要求。
- EN 18031-1:2024、EN 18031-2:2024 和 EN 18031-3:2024 中章節及 提供製造商給予使用者不設密碼的機會,會造成資安驗證的風險。
- EN 18031-2:2024 中章節 6.1.3、6.1.4、6.1.5 及 6.1.6 定義存取機制包括:角色定義、個別情況及強制性等存取控制機制,使得父母控制或者監護人存取控制機制無法使用,會造成資安驗證的風險。
- EN 18031-3:2024 中章節6.3.2.4 使用的電子簽章,安全通訊機制及存取機制皆無法有效的保護金融資產,因此RED 章節 3(3) (d), (e) and (f)的要求並無法確保完全的符合。
- 綜合上列說明,勢必會有參考文件會被提出來做為使用 EN 18031-1:2024, EN 18031-2:2024 和 EN 18031-3:2024 等法規的限制情況。
EN 18031 -1/-2/-3: 2024 are published in office Journal 2025/138 as Harmonized Standards in support of the essential requirements to RED Article 3.3 (d)(e)(f) that related to Cybersecurity. Date of latest announcement of this EN (doa): 28 January 2025 This Decision should therefore enter into force on the day of its publication.
On the basis of the request, CEN and Cenelec drafted harmonised standards:
- EN 18031-1:2024 for internet connected radio equipment, in support of the essential requirement set out in Article 3(3)(d), of Directive 2014/53/EU;
- EN 18031-2:2024 for internet connected radio equipment, childcare radio equipment, toys radio equipment and wearable radio equipment, in support of the essential requirement set out in Article 3(3)(e), of Directive 2014/53/EU; and
- EN 18031-3:2024 for internet connected radio equipment processing virtual money or monetary value, in support of the essential requirement set out in Article 3(3)(f), of Directive 2014/53/EU.
- Clauses and of harmonised standards EN 18031-1:2024, EN 18031-2:2024 and EN 18031-3:2024 offer manufacturers the possibility to allow a user not to set or use any password, which will cause authentication risks will not be properly addressed.
- Clauses 6.1.3, 6.1.4, 6.1.5 and 6.1.6 of harmonised standard EN 18031-2:2024 include specifications on: role-based access control, discretionary access control, mandatory access control mechanism, which cause parental or guardian control not implemented, the relevant authentication risks will not be addressed.
- Clause of harmonised standard EN 18031-3:2024 digital signatures, secure communication mechanisms, access control mechanisms or others which none of them are sufficient for the treatment of financial assets. therefore, conformity with the essential requirements set out in Article 3(3) (d), (e) and (f), of Directive 2014/53/EU would not be ensured.
- The references of harmonised standards EN 18031-1:2024, EN 18031-2:2024 and EN 18031-3:2024 should therefore be published in the Official Journal of the European Union with restrictions.
South Korea
科學技術資訊通信部宣布,將於2月20日(星期四)至3月21日(星期五)期間接受「利用非授權頻段制度之具前景技術示範計畫」的提案。 非授權頻段無需特殊許可,只要符合技術規範,任何人都可以使用,可應用於智慧工廠、智慧城市、災害和安全管理等各個領域。特別是與人工智慧(AI)技術相結合,它們可以支援即時數據分析和自動決策等高級服務。 該示範計畫旨在支援基於非授權頻段的技術和服務的早期市場採用和擴展。
(計畫目標)支援利用非授權頻段進行有前景的技術和服務的實際操作和測試,如Wi-Fi和UWB,以促進其早期市場應用。 (參與者資格)能夠使用非授權頻段演示技術和服務的國內組織和實體,包括公司和公共機構(可團體參與)。
The Ministry of Science and ICT announced that it will be accepting proposals for the "Promising Technology Demonstration Project Utilizing Unlicensed Frequencies" from February 20 (Thursday) to March 21 (Friday).
Unlicensed frequency bands, which can be used by anyone as long as they meet the technical specifications without requiring special permits, can be applied to various fields such as smart factories, smart cities, and disaster and safety management. In particular, when combined with artificial intelligence (AI) technology, they can support advanced services such as real-time data analysis and automated decision-making. This demonstration project aims to support the early market adoption and expansion of unlicensed frequency-based technologies and services.
(Project Objective) Support real-world operation and testing of promising technologies and services utilizing unlicensed frequencies such as Wi-Fi and UWB, facilitating their early market adoption. (Eligible Participants) Domestic organizations and entities, including companies and public institutions, capable of demonstrating technologies and services using unlicensed frequencies (Consortium participation is allowed).
通訊部闡明,所有電信公司都有義務繼續向所有客戶提供4G服務,包括擁有支援5G協議的設備的客戶。 這些公司有義務向支援 5G 協議的設備所有者提供他們銷售的 4G 方案。政府建議消費者持續仔細檢查行動電話公司向他們提供的條款和條件以及與客戶需求相關的方案範圍。 由於許多電信公司都在蜂窩市場運營,在必要時,消費者才能夠輕鬆、快速地從一家公司轉換到另一家公司。
The Ministry of Communications clarifies that all cellular companies are obligated to continue providing 4G services to all customers, including customers who own devices that support 5G protocols.
The companies are obligated to offer 4G packages they market to owners of devices that support 5G protocols as well. The government recommend that consumer public continue to carefully examine the terms and conditions offered to them by cellular companies and the scope of the packages offered in relation to customer needs. Many companies, large and small, operate in the cellular market, and when necessary, it is possible to switch from one company to another easily and quickly.
2025年第1號條例的頒布與印尼通訊與資訊部的組織和工作程序相關,該部的名稱從「通訊與資訊部(KOMINFO)」改為「通訊與數位部(KOMDIGI)」。同時,其所屬的「基礎設施標準化與資訊化局(SDPPI)」更名為「數位基礎設施局(DJID)」。 並導入了新的標誌,其中包括每個證書的二維碼上的標誌和新證書編號格式(例如: 12345/DJID/2025)。這些變更只會影響自 2025 年 1 月 20 日以後頒發的證書。
The issuance of Regulation Nomor 1 Tahun 2025 concerning the Organization and Work Procedures of the Indonesian Ministry of Communication and Information, the name of the Ministry has been changed from the “Ministry of Communication and Informatics (KOMINFO)” to the “Ministry of Communication and Digital (KOMDIGI)”. Concurrently, its subordinate “Direktorat Standardisasi Perangkat Pos dan Informatika (SDPPI)” has been renamed as the “Direktorat Jenderal Infrastruktur Digital (DJID)”. A new logo, including the logo on the QR code generated for every certificate and the new certificate numbering format (e.g. 12345/DJID/2025) has been introduced. These changes will only impact certificates issued from 20th January 2025 onwards.
根據 2025 年KM第 12 號公告,Wi-Fi 6E 和 Wi-Fi 7 現已在印尼開放使用。 2025年1月15日至2026年1月14日期間,Wi-Fi 6E / Wi-Fi 7申請只能使用本地BBPPT實驗室的測試報告。 12 個月後(2026 年 1 月 15 日起),國內測試中心(BUDN)和具有 MRA 的海外測試中心的報告均可使用。
No. |
Frequency |
Output Power (EIRP) |
Low Power Indoor (LPI)
Very Low Power (VLP)
1 |
5925-6425 MHz |
≦ 23 dBm (200 mW) |
≦ 14 dBm (25 mW) |
頻寬 ≦ 320MHz 必須使用集成天線
Low Power Indoor (LPI) |
Very Low Power (VLP) |
- 僅限室內使用
- 不能用於無人機(無人機);不能安裝於車輛、火車、船、飛機上;
- 接入點設備僅採用交流電源供電,禁止使用電池;用戶端設備可以採用交流電供電或電池供電,並且只能在接入點的控制下運作。
- 可在網路共享模式下使用;
- 不能用於無人機;僅能以電池(DC)供電。本設備交流電源僅能用於為電池充電。
According to KM No 12 Tahun 2025, Wi-Fi 6E and Wi-Fi 7 is now available in Indonesia. From Jan. 15th, 2025 to Jan. 14th, 2026, only local BBPPT lab’s report can be applied for Wi-Fi 6E/7 application. After 12-month period Jan. 15th, 2026), reports from Domestic Test Center (BUDN) and overseas test centers that have an MRA are applicable.
No. |
Frequency |
Output Power (EIRP) |
Low Power Indoor (LPI) |
Very Low Power (VLP) |
1 |
5925-6425 MHz |
≦ 23 dBm (200 mW) |
≦ 14 dBm (25 mW) |
Bandwidth ≦ 320MHz Must use integrated antenna
Low Power Indoor (LPI) |
Very Low Power (VLP) |
- Indoor use only
- Cannot be used for unmanned aircraft (drones); cannot be installed on vehicles, trains, boats, or planes;
- The access point device is only supplied with AC power and battery use is prohibited; and client devices can be AC powered or battery powered and can only operate under the control of the access point.
- Can be used in tethering mode;
- Cannot be used for drones; and battery (DC) power supply only.
The device can be supplied with AC power only for battery charging purpose.
On Feb. 18th, 2025, DJID released new Decree on the Recognition of Foreign Testing Labs (no. 13 of 2025). If there is no further announcement, the report from these labs can be used if the issue date is from Jan. 1st, 2025 to Dec. 31st, 2026.
埃及國家電信監管局(NTRA)推出了關鍵更新以支援 eSIM 技術,增強用戶體驗並加速數位轉型。
此外,NTRA 還修訂了 SRD(短距離設備)指南,其中包括:
- 新的 6 GHz 頻段專供室內使用。
- 為室內無線麥克風增加了 1880-1900 MHz 頻段。
- 制定更嚴格的規定以提高頻譜效率並最大限度地減少干擾。
Egypt’s National Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (NTRA) has introduced key updates to support eSIM technology, enhancing user experience and accelerating digital transformation.
Additionally, the NTRA has revised the SRD (Short-Range Devices) guidelines, including:
- New 6 GHz band allocated exclusively for indoor use.
- 1880-1900 MHz band added for indoor radio microphones.
- Stricter regulations to enhance spectrum efficiency and minimize interference.
2025 年 1 月 21 日,新加坡網路安全局 (CSA) 發布了關於互認安排 (MRA) 以及網路安全標籤計畫 (CLS) 出版物和流程更新的通知。該計劃致力於物聯網 (IoT) 設備和 Wi-Fi 家用路由器的評估、認證和標籤。主要更新內容具體如下:
1. 相互認可安排(MRA): CSA 於 2024 年 10 月 16 日與韓國網路安全局 (KISA) 和德國聯邦資訊安全局 (BSI) 簽署了網路安全標籤認可協議。
(1) 與韓國網路安全局 (KISA) 合作: 自 2025 年 1 月 1 日起,貼有 CLS(IoT)3 級及以上標籤的產品將被視為滿足韓國 CIC 基礎級要求並有資格申請 CIC 基礎級證書,反之亦然。 (2) 與德國聯邦資訊安全局 (BSI) 合作: CLS(IoT)2 級及以上的產品將與德國 IT 安全標籤互相認可。這是在 2022 MRA 的基礎上,擴大認可範圍,將家庭網關(Wi-Fi 路由器)也納入其中。
1. 相互認可安排(MRA): CSA 於 2024 年 10 月 16 日與韓國網路安全局 (KISA) 和德國聯邦資訊安全局 (BSI) 簽署了網路安全標籤認可協議。
(1) 與韓國網路安全局 (KISA) 合作: 自 2025 年 1 月 1 日起,貼有 CLS(IoT)3 級及以上標籤的產品將被視為滿足韓國 CIC 基礎級要求並有資格申請 CIC 基礎級證書,反之亦然。 (2) 與德國聯邦資訊安全局 (BSI) 合作: CLS(IoT)2 級及以上的產品將與德國 IT 安全標籤互相認可。這是在 2022 MRA 的基礎上,擴大認可範圍,將家庭網關(Wi-Fi 路由器)也納入其中。
2. 經認可的測試實驗室的評估 自 2025 年 4 月 1 日起,1 級和 2 級 CLS(IoT)申請在提交前必須經過經批准的 CLS 測試實驗室的審核。未經此審核的申請將不予處理。
(1) 發布CCC SP-151-4 CLS (IoT) 評估方法v1.1: 此更新版的評估方法立即生效,並導入一些細微編輯修改以提高明確性和一致性。 (2) 發布CCC SP-151-4A CLS (IoT) 家庭閘道評估方法v1.0: 從 2025 年 4 月 1 日起,所有 Wi-Fi 路由器和家庭閘道器的應用都將使用這種新方法進行評估。
On 21st January 2025, the Cyber Security Agency (CSA) of Singapore issued a notice regarding mutual recognition arrangements (MRAs) and updates of publications and processes for Cybersecurity Labelling Scheme (CLS). This scheme is dedicated to evaluation, certification and labelling of Internet of Things (IoT) devices and Wi-Fi home routers.
There are key updates, detailed as follows: 1. Mutual Recognition Arrangements (MRAs) CSA signed MRAs for the recognition of cybersecurity labels with Korea Internet & Security Agency (KISA) and Germany Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) on 16th October 2024.
(1) With KISA: Effective 1st January 2025, products labelled with CLS (IoT) Level 3 and above will be recognized as fulfilling Korea’s CIC Basic Level requirements and eligible to apply to CIC Basic Level certificate, and vice versa. (2) With BSI: Products with CLS (IoT) Level 2 and above will be mutually recognized with Germany’s IT Security Label. This builds on the 2022 MRA, expanding recognition to include Home Gateways (Wi-Fi routers).
2. Assessments by Approved Testing Laboratories: From 1st April 2025, Level 1 and Level 2 CLS (IoT) applications must be reviewed by an approved CLS Testing Laboratory before submission. Applications without this review will not be processed.
(1) Release of CCC SP-151-4 CLS(IoT) Assessment Methodology v1.1: Effective immediately, this updated methodology introduces minor editorial changes for clarity and consistency. (2) Release of CCC SP-151-4A CLS(IoT) Assessment Methodology for Home Gateway v1.0: Starting 1st April 2025, all applications for Wi-Fi Routers and Home Gateways will be assessed using this new methodology.
2025 年 1 月 23 日,尚比亞資訊與通訊技術管理局 (ZICTA) 發布了 IMT 頻譜發布藍圖 (2025-2027),概述了關鍵頻譜分配計畫:
Planned Release |
Bandwidth (MHz) |
Frequency Band |
2025 年第四季 |
100 MHz |
3300-3400 MHz |
2025 年第四季 |
40 MHz |
3760-3800 MHz |
2026年 |
80 MHz |
3600-3680 MHz |
2027年 |
80 MHz |
3680-3760 MHz |
- 3480-3600 MHz 頻段:現有的固定無線營運商可以繼續運作。 2025 年頻譜查將評估擴大義務範圍以便更好地利用頻譜。
- 3600-3800 MHz 頻段:至 2027 年前,衛星營運將逐步轉移到 3800-4200 MHz,並為行動服務增加 200 MHz。
- 3760-3800 MHz 頻段:將為高功率行動通訊和固定衛星服務之間保留 40 MHz 的保護頻段。
- 3800-4200 MHz 頻段:所有地面站必須配備帶通濾波器,以確保行動和衛星服務共存。
2. 6GHz 頻段分配:
- 較低的 6 GHz 頻段(5925-6425 MHz): 為無線接取系統/ 無線電區域網路(WAS / RLAN) 保留頻段 ,並限制超低功率和低功率室內的使用。
- 法規遵循:在 5925-6425 MHz 下運作的技術必須遵循 ATU-R 建議 005-0 附件 3。
- 未來規劃:2026 年的公眾諮詢將探討 6 GHz 以上頻段的混合使用,用於已授權的行動通訊、免授權 WAS/RLAN 和現有服務。
On 23rd January 2025, the Zambia Information and Communications Technology Authority (ZICTA) released the IMT Spectrum Release Roadmap (2025-2027), outlining key spectrum allocation plans:
Planned Release |
Bandwidth (MHz) |
Frequency Band |
Q4 2025 |
100 MHz |
3300-3400 MHz |
Q4 2025 |
40 MHz |
3760-3800 MHz |
2026 |
80 MHz |
3600-3680 MHz |
2027 |
80 MHz |
3680-3760 MHz |
- 3480-3600 MHz Band: Existing fixed wireless operators can continue operations. A spectrum audit in 2025 will assess roll-out obligations for better utilization.
- 3600-3800 MHz Band: Satellite operations will gradually shift to 3800-4200 MHz by 2027, adding 200 MHz for mobile services.
- 3760-3800 MHz Band: A 40 MHz guard band will be maintained between high-power mobile and fixed satellite services.
- 3800-4200 MHz Band: Bandpass filters will be mandatory for all earth stations to ensure co-existence between mobile and satellite services.
2. 6 GHz Band Allocation:
- Lower 6 GHz Band (5925-6425 MHz): Reserved for Wireless Access Systems/Radio Local Area Networks (WAS/RLAN) with restrictions on Very Low Power (VLP) and Low Power Indoor (LPI) usage.
- Regulatory Compliance: Technologies operating in 5925-6425 MHz must follow Annex 3 of ATU-R Recommendation-005-0.
- Future Planning: A 2026 public consultation will explore hybrid use of the upper 6 GHz band for licensed mobile, license-exempt WAS/RLAN, and incumbent services.
2025 年 1 月 20 日,摩洛哥國家電信管理局 (ANRT) 發布第 16-24 號決議,對標籤要求進行重要更新:
- 電子標籤現已獲得官方允許。
- 標籤必須清晰、可見、永久,且不受特定尺寸或字體限制。
- 允許彈性選擇標籤位置:如果無法直接貼標籤,標籤可以出現在隨附文件、包裝上,或使用電子標籤於設備本身。

- 發射功率超過 20mW並且使用距離在用戶 20 公分以內的設備,必須在設備上、隨附文件(例如用戶手冊或手冊)、包裝上或顯示此資訊的電子標籤內容中包含與 SAR 相關的資訊。受影響的設備包括:
(1) 手機、平板電腦和智慧型手錶 (2) 蜂窩路由器、數據機和對講機 (3) 配備 SIM / eSIM 或 Wi-Fi 的筆記型電腦 (4) DECT 和無線電話
On 20th January 2025, the Agence Nationale de Réglementation des Télécommunications (ANRT) of Morocco issued Decision 16-24, introducing key updates to labelling requirements:
- E-labelling is now officially permitted.
- Labels must be clear, visible, and permanent, without specific size or font constraints.
- Flexible placement options are allowed: If direct labelling is impractical, labels may appear on accompanying documents, packaging, or as electronic labels on the device itself.

- Devices with transmission power over 20mW, intended for use within 20cm of the user, must include SAR-related information on the device, in accompanying documentation (such as a user manual or brochure), on packaging, or within the e-label content displaying this information.
- Devices Impacted Include:
(1) Mobile phones, tablets, and smartwatches (2) Cellular routers, modems, and walkie-talkies (3) Laptops with SIM/eSIM or Wi-Fi (4) DECT and cordless phones
With the May 1, 2025 deadline approaching, manufacturers and distributors must quickly adapt these requirements into their production and certification processes. These updates underscore the importance of safety, transparency, and compliance, ensuring products meet global standards and protect end-users.